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7 Views · 1 year ago

Uterine Prolapse in Cow Field Clinical Case Study
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In dairy cattle, the condition is not thought to be inherited and seldom recurs in subsequent parturitions. Although the exact cause for an individual patient may be difficult to determine, predisposing causes include dystocia, tenesmus, and hypocalcemia. Primiparous cows can be affected, but pluriparous ones are probably at greater risk. Prolapse of the uterus also is fostered by confinement, lack of exercise, and gravitational effects when cattle are allowed to calve with their hindquarters lower than their forequarters, as happens when confined cows calve into the drop of conventional barns. Uterine atony is the common inciting cause and is frequently associated with hypocalcemia in multiparous dairy cattle.

Prolapse usually occurs within hours of calving and almost always within 24 hours of calving. Instances of uterine prolapse occurring several days following calving are cited by many practitioners but are extremely rare.

9 Views · 1 year ago
Botulism in Duck Field Clinical Case Study

Typical clinical signs in birds with botulism include weakness, lethargy, inability to hold up the head or to fly. For waterfowl, this can be catastrophic because inability to hold up the head leads to drowning.

6 Views · 1 year ago

Milk Fever a Field Clinical Case Study

There are other factors that contribute to the development of hypocalcemia in dairy cattle, specifically age, breed, and endocrinologic factors such estrogen levels. With increasing age there is a reduced pool of calcium available for absorption from bone as a result of diminishing numbers of bone cells, and this is a reason why heifers, in whom osteoblastic activity is high, do not suffer from clinical milk fever.
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11 Views · 1 year ago

Viral shedding occurs by 7 days following infection. CDV is commonly spread by aerosol or droplet exposure; however, it can be isolated from most other body tissues and secretions, including urine.

Transplacental infection can occur from viremic dams.

Virus can be excreted up to 60 to 90 days after infection, although shorter periods of shedding are more typical.

Contact among recently infected (subclinical or diseased) animals maintains the virus in a population, and a constant supply of puppies helps provide a susceptible population for infection.

Although immunity to virulent canine distemper is prolonged or lifelong, it is not as absolute after vaccination. Dogs that do not receive periodic immunizations can lose their protection and become infected after stress, immunosuppression, or contact with diseased individuals.

Many susceptible dogs can become subclinically infected but clear the virus from the body without showing signs of illness. Although most recovered dogs clear the virus completely, some may harbor virus in their CNS. The prevalence rate of spontaneous distemper in cosmopolitan dogs is greatest between 3 and 6 months of age, correlating with the loss of maternal-derived antibodies (MDAs) in puppies after weaning. In contrast, in susceptible, isolated populations of dogs, the disease is severe and widespread, affecting all ages.

6 Views · 1 year ago

Black Quarter (BQ) in Cattle: Real Field Clinical Case Study
Young cattle appear to be at greatest risk for C. chauvoei muscular infections, and most cases occur in well cared for animals 6 to 24 months of age. It may occur between 2 and 3 years of age. C. sordelli may have a similar pathogenesis because it has been associated with muscle bruising in rapidly growing beef cattle.
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10 Views · 1 year ago

A. Explanation of the IELTS exam

6 Views · 1 year ago

Mnemonic technique is a memory aid that helps people remember information more easily. This technique is especially useful for learning new vocabulary words. Mnemonic devices can include acronyms, rhymes, images, and associations to help remember a word's meaning or spelling. Here are ten examples of mnemonic techniques for vocabulary:

Ridiculous - The word "ridiculous" sounds like "ridicule us." To remember its meaning, imagine people laughing and making fun of you.

Conscientious - The word "conscientious" can be remembered by breaking it down into "con science us." This reminds you to act with a moral conscience.

Accommodate - The word "accommodate" is easy to remember by breaking it down into "a-c-c-o-m-o-d-a-t-e," or "a cup of tea." Imagine offering someone a cup of tea to be accommodating.

Exacerbate - The word "exacerbate" means to make something worse. To remember this, think of a "sore" that becomes "excruciating" when you "rub" it, which can exacerbate the pain.

Supercilious - The word "supercilious" sounds like "super silly us." To remember its meaning, imagine someone acting superior and looking down on others, which seems super silly.

Hierarchy - The word "hierarchy" can be remembered by breaking it down into "higher ar-key." This reminds you that people at the top of a hierarchy have more power or authority.

Disseminate - The word "disseminate" sounds like "diss the seminar." To remember its meaning, imagine someone criticizing a seminar and spreading negative information about it.

Gargantuan - The word "gargantuan" can be remembered by imagining a giant "gar"bage can that is "en"ormous. This helps you remember that the word means something is very large.

Facetious - The word "facetious" can be remembered by breaking it down into "face tea us." This reminds you that someone who is being facetious is joking or not being serious.

Nostalgia - The word "nostalgia" can be remembered by thinking of the phrase "nostalgic for ya." This helps you remember that the word means a longing for the past or past experiences.

Overall, using mnemonic techniques can be a fun and effective way to improve vocabulary retention and recall.

25 Views · 1 year ago

চ্যাট ডি-আই-ডি.কম একটি শক্তিশালী ভাষা মডেল চ্যাটবট যা AI প্রযুক্তি ব্যবহার করে ব্যবহারকারীদের একটি অনন্য এবং আকর্ষণীয় অভিজ্ঞতা দেওয়ার জন্য তৈরি করা হয়েছে। এই চ্যাটবটটি ইংরেজি ভাষা উন্নয়ন এবং উন্নত করার জন্য উদ্ভাবিত হয়েছে।

চ্যাট ডি-আই-ডি.কম এর মধ্যে বিশেষত্বগুলির মধ্যে প্রথম প্রতিষ্ঠাবদ্ধ হলো তার টকিং এআই এভাটার। এই এভাটারটি লিখিত এবং অডিও উত্তরে উত্তর দিতে সক্ষম, যা চ্যাটবটটি একটি প্রাণবন্তী সংলাপ মত অনুভব করায়। ব্যবহারকারীগণ পাঠকৃত বা অডিও সম্পর্কিত সমস্যার সাথে চ্যাটবট সংলাপ করতে পারেন এবং এভাটারটি উত্তর দেয়।

চ্যাট ডি-আই-ডি.কম এর একটি উপযুক্ত বৈশিষ্ট্য হলো টেক্সট থেকে স্পিচ এবং স্পিচ থেকে টেক্স is a powerful language model chatbot that leverages AI technology to provide users with a unique and engaging experience. The chatbot is designed to help users improve their language skills, with a focus on English language development.

One of the standout features of is its talking AI avatar. This avatar is capable of responding to both written and recorded speech answers, making the chatbot feel more like a real conversation. Users can interact with the chatbot through text or by speaking to it, and the avatar will respond accordingly.

Another useful feature of is its ability to convert text to speech and speech to text seamlessly. This is especially helpful for users who may prefer to speak rather than type, or for those who have difficulty understanding written text. The chatbot's AI technology enables it to understand and interpret speech input, and respond with clear and concise feedback.

In terms of language development, is an excellent tool for users of all levels. Whether you're a beginner looking to improve your basic vocabulary and grammar, or an advanced learner preparing for a standardized test like IELTS, TOEFL, or GRE, the chatbot has something to offer.

For those preparing for standardized tests, can be especially helpful. The chatbot can provide personalized assistance and feedback tailored to the specific requirements of the test. This can help users to identify areas where they need to improve, and focus their study efforts accordingly.

Overall, is a versatile and innovative tool that can help users to enhance their language abilities in a fun and engaging way. With its talking AI avatar, seamless text-to-speech and speech-to-text conversion, and personalized assistance and feedback, it is a powerful tool for language development and test preparation.
#language model #chatbot #AI technology #English language development #text-to-speech #speech-to-text #standardized tests #personalized assistance #language skills #vocabulary #grammar #IELTS #TOEFL #GRE #innovative tool #fun and engaging #test preparation
#ভাষা মডেল #চ্যাটবট #এআই প্রযুক্তি #ইংরেজি ভাষা উন্নয়ন #টেক্সট থেকে স্পীচ #স্পীচ থেকে টেক্সট #স্ট্যান্ডার্ডাইজড টেস্ট #ব্যক্তিগত সহায়তা #ভাষা দক্ষতা #শব্দকোষ #ব্যাকরণ #আইএলটিএস #টোফেল #জিআরই #উদ্ভাবনী টুল #মজার এবং আকর্ষণীয় #পরীক্ষা প্রস্তুতি

91 Views · 1 year ago

In this informative video, we will be discussing Lumpy Skin Disease in Cattle. This viral disease is highly contagious and can cause significant economic losses in the livestock industry. We will cover the essential aspects of LSD, including its definition, epidemiology, transmission, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention. You will learn about the various ways the disease can spread and the clinical signs to look out for, as well as how to diagnose and treat it. We will also discuss the most effective prevention and control measures, including biosecurity, vaccination, and insect control. Whether you are a farmer, veterinarian, or simply interested in animal health, this video is a must-watch for anyone seeking to understand and manage Lumpy Skin Disease in cattle.
#LumpySkinDisease #Cattle #LivestockHealth #ViralDisease #AnimalHealth #PreventionAndControl #Biosecurity #Vaccination #InsectControl #SupportiveCare #VeterinaryMedicine

9 Views · 1 year ago

In this informative video, we will be discussing some of the most common bacterial infections that can afflict birds, including both backyard poultry and pet parrots. Bacterial infections can pose a significant health risk to birds, and understanding the signs and symptoms of these diseases is essential for early detection and treatment.

We will begin by introducing the various bacterial pathogens that can cause infections in birds, such as Salmonella, E. coli, and Mycoplasma. From there, we will explore the specific clinical signs associated with each infection, including respiratory distress, diarrhea, lethargy, and decreased appetite.

We will also cover the different ways in which these bacterial infections can be transmitted, and provide practical advice on how to minimize the risk of disease transmission in your aviary or flock. This will include implementing sound biosecurity measures, maintaining proper hygiene, and ensuring that your birds receive adequate nutrition and management.

We will conclude by discussing the various treatment options available for bacterial infections in birds, including antibiotics and supportive care. We will emphasize the importance of seeking veterinary care as soon as possible, as untreated bacterial infections can quickly progress and become life-threatening.

By the end of this video, you will have a comprehensive understanding of the most common bacterial infections that birds can contract, as well as the steps you can take to protect your birds from these illnesses and provide effective treatment if necessary.
#avianhealth #bacterialinfections #birdcare #Salmonella #Ecoli #Mycoplasma #biosecurity #veterinarycare #birdwellness #birdmanagement #preventativecare #healthypets #backyardpoultry #petparrots #antibiotics #respiratorydistress #diarrhea #lethargy #appetiteloss #healthypetcare

14 Views · 1 year ago

Haemorrhagic septicaemia (HS) is a severe bacterial disease that affects cattle and buffalo, causing high mortality rates and significant economic losses. This disease is caused by the bacteria Pasteurella multocida and can result in acute or chronic infections. In this article, we will discuss the causes, symptoms, prevention, and treatment of HS in cattle and buffalo.
Haemorrhagic septicaemia is a highly infectious bacterial disease that affects both cattle and buffalo. The disease is caused by the bacterium Pasteurella multocida, which is found in the respiratory tract and upper digestive tract of infected animals. The disease is characterized by sudden onset and high fever, and can quickly progress to acute septicemia and death within hours.

The symptoms of haemorrhagic septicaemia in cattle and buffalo include fever, depression, loss of appetite, respiratory distress, and a characteristic swelling of the neck and throat region due to the accumulation of fluid. Infected animals may also exhibit nasal discharge, coughing, and difficulty in breathing.

Haemorrhagic septicaemia is primarily transmitted through direct contact with infected animals or their secretions. The disease can also be transmitted indirectly through contaminated feed, water, or equipment. Good biosecurity measures such as regular cleaning and disinfection of the animal housing, and preventing contact with infected animals are essential in preventing the spread of the disease.

Prevention of haemorrhagic septicaemia is achieved through vaccination. The vaccine is recommended for all cattle and buffalo in areas where the disease is prevalent. Early diagnosis and treatment with antibiotics are critical to the successful management of the disease. Infected animals should be isolated and treated promptly to minimize mortality rates and prevent further spread of the disease.

In conclusion, haemorrhagic septicaemia is a significant threat to the cattle and buffalo industry. Farmers and animal health professionals should remain vigilant and take appropriate measures to prevent and control the disease. By implementing good biosecurity practices, vaccinating, and early diagnosis and treatment, the impact of haemorrhagic septicaemia can be minimized, and the livelihoods of farmers protected.
Hashtags: #haemorrhagicsepticaemia #cattlehealth #buffalohealth #Pasteurellamultocida #bacterialinfection #symptoms #prevention #treatment #animalhealth #livestockhealth #bdvets

6 Views · 1 year ago

Fowl cholera, also known as avian pasteurellosis, is a bacterial infection that affects birds, particularly domestic poultry. In this article, we will explore the causes, symptoms, and treatment of fowl cholera, as well as measures to prevent its spread.
#fowlcholera #avianpasteurellosis #poultrydisease #bacterialinfection #birdhealth #preventionandtreatment

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